General Information
Date 15th – 19th July 2019
Venue Franz Hitze Haus, Muenster, Germany
The Summer School’s Program will be a balanced mixture with time for intercultural exchange, theoretical input on Gifted Education as well as room for hands-on-work. At the moment (April 2019) we are still finalizing the last details of our program but are able to tell you about the already fixed items on our agenda.
You can already expect …
- … a speech by Prof. Dr. Christian Fischer, International Centre for the Study of Giftedness, University of Muenster, Germany
- … a speech by Dr. Colm O’Reilly, Centre for Talented Youth, Dublin City University, Ireland
- … a workshop by Dr. David Rott, Department for Educational Science, University of Muenster, Germany
- … a workshop by Vivian van Gerven, International Centre for the Study of Giftedness, University of Muenster, Germany
- … a practical morning with Dr. Thomas Bartoschek, Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany, who “invented” the so called senseBox. The senseBox is a do-it-yourself kit for stationary and mobile sensor stations. (More Information: )
Accommodation & EGIFT Teacher Training Event Venue
Accommodation, workshops, lunch, and dinner are located at Franz Hitze Haus, Kardinal-von-Galen-Ring 50, 48149 Münster.
Getting to Muenster
Muenster City has a small airport (FMO), but flights via Frankfurt or Munich are expensive and rare. Flying to Düsseldorf International Airport and catching a train (1.5h drive) might be a cheaper option. Münster offers good train connection (ICE, IC ) to several destinations and airports within Germany. Please check the homepage of the German Railway.
General Information about Münster
Münster is a city full of historical sights, bikes and students. Useful and interesting information on the city and its inhabitants can be found under the following links:
Do you have any questions? Please contact: Dr. Anne Vohrmann: